Mon 27 Jan
_______ HOTT THICK *italian* BRUNETTE ________ BEST IN TOWN _______ AVAILABLE NOW! __________ - 20
(YUMA // INCALL // 120.200)
x _ _ _ X _ __x____~* M _ O _ U _ T _ H _ W _ A _ T _ E _ R _ I_ N _ G * ~ _ _ _ _ x _ _ _ X _ __ x - 20
Your ♥ Fantasy cAn Come TRUE just aSk mE HoW??? N ilL sHoW yOu ......♥ US HEROS spec. - 21
(Yuma, Incalls n outcall great specails call me)
( ( ( CaLifoRniA * JUiCy * BloNde * ---- * ReAL PiCs!! ) ) ) Best TreAt in YUMA!! - 20
(Yuma, YUMA / 32nd st area)
-:¦:- THE BEST of the BEST ((AmAziNg)) BlOnde -:¦:- HOT-:¦:- ExPloSiVe -:¦:-Top Notch - - 22
(East Valley, SCOTTSDALE)
(= SEXY=)) o•★© ((=ADDICTIVE=)) MILITARY SPECIALS CuTie WitH SMaCkABle BooTty uS hERo sPEciaLs *80 - 21
(Yuma, in/out 80 earlybird,late night,lunch spe)
Sun 26 Jan
🆂🅴🆇🆈 🅰🆂🅸🅰🅽🆂 ⭐928-276-7823🟩⭐🟩new girls🟥⭐🟥best in town🟩⭐🟩young sexy beautiful figure hot service good🟥⭐🟥clean room🟩⭐
(1332 S 4th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364)
🆂🅴🆇🆈 🅰🆂🅸🅰🅽🆂 ⭐928-276-7823🟩⭐🟩new girls🟥⭐🟥best in town🟩⭐🟩young sexy beautiful figure hot service good🟥⭐🟥clean room🟩⭐
(1332 S 4th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364)
🆂🅴🆇🆈 🅰🆂🅸🅰🅽🆂 ⭐928-276-7823🟩⭐🟩new girls🟥⭐🟥best in town🟩⭐🟩young sexy beautiful figure hot service good🟥⭐🟥clean room🟩⭐
(1332 S 4th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364)
🆂🅴🆇🆈 🅰🆂🅸🅰🅽🆂 ⭐928-276-7823🟩⭐🟩new girls🟥⭐🟥best in town🟩⭐🟩young sexy beautiful figure hot service good🟥⭐🟥clean room🟩⭐
(1332 S 4th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364)
🆂🅴🆇🆈 🅰🆂🅸🅰🅽🆂 ⭐928-276-7823🟩⭐🟩new girls🟥⭐🟥best in town🟩⭐🟩young sexy beautiful figure hot service good🟥⭐🟥clean room🟩⭐
(1332 S 4th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364)
Sun 12 Jan
ViSitiNG fOR A LiMitEd tiME •¤• EXOtiC bRUNEttE hOttiE •¤• AVAiLAbLE NOW & ALL NiGht - 22
(Yuma, Available until 6/23)
Im back passing through 💦😘...✈available tonight only ☑ the satisfaction factory⛵True Boricua - 28
(Outcalls Yuma, Yuma)
just arrived (v¯) ღ Fun Size Exotic Barbie ღ (¯`v) ღ BRAND NEW ♡ LooKing 4 ur CANDY ??♥ visit ava - 19
(Yuma, in/outcall, earlybird n late nite spc.)
Sat 11 Jan
* £xot!c Tr¡n¡d@d Pla¥m@t£ * Put M€ On ¥our To-Do L¡$t * - 23
(Phx North, Phoenix & Scottsdale incall & outcall)
BACk iN T O W N ••¤•• E X O T i C BRUNETTE H O T T i E ••¤•• ViSiTiNG fOR A LiMiTEd TiME - 22
(Yuma, Yuma incall ONLY ( Available 7/19-7/21 ))
$$PECIAL!!!! 75 @->-- Roses 100% White Very Clean and Totally Hot Body!!! - 30
(Yuma, Safe Location)
»College Hottie«Last night in town• Early S P E C i A L S•available N O W - 19
(Yuma, Yuma incall only)
Fri 10 Jan
❤ 2girl spec▀ ❤❤ ▀▀▄▀▄ __S_P_E_C_I_A_L ❤ E_D_I_T_I_O_N___ ▄▀▄▀ CuTie WitH SMaCkABle BooTty *80 spec. - 21
(Yuma, 4th ave Incall/outcall 80quick visit)
💦👅#1BEST on the List! (*ExOtiC* ) —💦👅— ( *MIXED* )—💙—( BOMBSHELL) 💙 (Don't Miss Out) -💦👅- 100% REAL - 25
(In calls n outs, Yuma)
Thu 09 Jan
Fantasy cAn Come TRUE just aSk mE HoW?? N ilL show U....♥ US HEROS spec. the best♥ all around ~{♡ - 21
(Yuma, Incall/outcall 80quick visit)
New {jAw DrOpPiNg} °•{tRaFfIc StOpPiNg} °• PeTiTe [bARbi€] NOW °•HERE°•° IN°• TOWN! New - 24
(In and out mili specials all day long, Yuma)
Wed 08 Jan
★ (ADD¡Ct¡V€ MiXeD HoTtIE ) ★ ( PrEtTy FaCe) ★ (1oO%REAL ) ★ ( AvA¡LaBL€ NOW) $80Specials!! ♥ - 22
▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ 100% DISCREET, SAFE, AND RELAXING :) ⏠⎠ - 21
(Yuma, Yuma/16th/Incall/Outcall/BEST SPECIALS)
Sexy Beautiful White Girl!! Safe and Clean Location INCLUDES MASSAGE!! Friday ONLY 75 @--》- - 30
(Yuma, Yuma, Az)
LASt dAY iN tOWN ••¤•• EXOtiC bRUNEttE hOttiE ••¤•• AVAiLAbLE NOW ••¤•• LEAViNG SOON - 22
(Yuma, Leaving tomorrow morning (6/23))
Tue 07 Jan